Thursday, 20 October 2011

Jordi Solé

Yesterday our friend Jordi came to visit us to talk about starting a Tai Chi course and we ended up talking about Spain's and the world's problems. We agree on a lot of things - that the world is over-populated, that the AVE is a waste of money and that Spain is in for a situation like Greece and that the Euro will probably fall apart. Jordi's solution is to buy himself a piece of land in the countryside where he's going to build an ecological house to live in when things get tough. He foresees greater inequality with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. We agreed on a lot of things except his extreme Catalan nationalist views.

Jordi said that Spain had a crazy scheme to build a train tunnel at 2000 metres altitude through the Pyrenees but that it has been vetoed by Brussels, but the Sagrera scheme to build the largest station in Europe will go ahead. Madness - We saw the destruction for ourselves when we went to France.

One of the problems Jordi sees is that of the super-rich who set a bad example for people to follow. He thinks within the next few years money (the Euro) will lose its value and our savings will be worth a lot less than they are now.

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