What is the secret of happiness?
Many people ask themselves that question. Well, I believe it is being
satisfied with what you've got and not wanting ever more things. If you've got your
basic needs satisfied then you're better off than many people.
So why do some people live well while others struggle?
Well, it really comes down to
luck, but what does luck depend on? Do we make our own luck or is there some
greater force at work controlling our
Do you ever feel there's a pattern to life?
Do things sometimes just slot into place neatly? Maybe you find something you were looking for
without trying. Maybe an
opportunity appears out of the blue. So where do these come from?
Well, if you start out by being
generous, you'll probably find that you get more back than you give. Such generosity doesn't have to be in money terms, but you could give your time
free to
help somebody out if you don't need the money. Later on when they have overcome their difficulties they'll probably return the favour.